Welcome to the world’s meeting place for sustainable urban food systems.

Our Mission

The Edible Cities Network wants to make cities edible — green, productive + socially resilient.

The Edible Cities Network Explained

What are Edible Cities?

Edible Cities are cities that prioritise and promote local food system sustainability. They are designed and managed to support the production, distribution, and consumption of locally grown food, with the goal of increasing food security, promoting health and nutrition, improving biodiversity, reducing food waste and minimising the environmental impact of food production and transportation. Edible Cities provide a number of benefits for residents, including increased access to fresh, healthy, and locally grown food, opportunities for local green entrepreneurs and possibilities for community building and engagement. Overall, Edible Cities are a growing movement towards more socially cohesive, resilient and sustainably productive cities.

What is the Edible Cities Network?

The Edible Cities Network is a global network of cities, initiatives and individuals that work together to promote more sustainable urban food systems in cities around the world. The network was established in 2018 as a project funded by the EU commission. The main goal of the Edible Cities Network is to share knowledge, best practices, and innovative approaches to urban agriculture and local food system innovations among its members. Here the network provides a platform for its members to connect, share knowledge and experiences, learn from each other as well as collaborate on and plan new projects.

Whom is it for?

Any cities, initiatives or individuals interested in the field of sustainable food systems – both those already working in it and those who are just starting or want to learn more. Everyone is welcome to join the Edible Cities Network!

What we Offer

Join the Network


The EdiCitNet Consortium online platform was developed during the EdiCitNet innovation action project funded by the European Commission between 2018-2023. The platform brings together all of the key tools and resources developed during the project, as well as offering a space for network members to connect, discuss and share expertise.

The project was developed by 32 partners with representatives from local city administrations, NGOs, businesses and research institutes. Find out more about them by clicking on the logos below.

Developer team


Wendy Fjellstad

Institution: NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Country: Norway

Position: Researcher

Email: wendy.fjellstad@nibio.no 

Role (keywords): User experience, Supervision and advice, Monitoring


Sebastian Eiter

Institution: NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Country: Norway

Position: Researcher

Email: sebastian.eiter@nibio.no

Role (keywords): User experience, Supervision and advice, Monitoring

Alexandra Widrat

Institution: Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability

Country: Germany

Position: Researcher

Email: widrat@borderstep.de

Role (keywords): User experience, Supervision and advice, Monitoring